Daniel 10:3
21-Day Corporate Fast
We are holding a corporate fast to start the year off seeking the Lord, and to encourage spiritual growth.
Please continue to follow doctor’s orders or any health and dietary restrictions if applicable.
Saturday, Jan 11th 2025 to Friday, January 31st 2025
Prayer & Fellowship
3W All Night Shut-In
The women of FIC will be gathering to pray and worship over night, and will end with breakfast served by Men Of Valor in the morning. All women are welcome.
Friday, January 31st 10pm - Saturday, February 1st 6am
Fundraising Event
First Annual Beautification Ministry Fundraiser
The Beautification Ministry will be selling ruffles tickets for gift baskets, displayed in the lobby, on January 26 and February 2 following service. The winners will be announced on February 9, making it the perfect time for gifts! There will be baskets for all ages, gender and interests. We invite you to join us in support of this ministry.
Sunday, January 26th
Sunday, February 2nd
Save The Date!
Faith International Church's 19th Anniversary Celebration
We are blessed to be celebrating 19 YEARS!!! As we get closer to the event, more details will follow.
Date: April 26, 2025 5pm-9pm
Location: Mt. Airy Casino & Resort
Chose a life with Christ
Baptism Service
Baptisms are important because it is you, and the community acknowledging that you are taking the step to follow Jesus completely. If you are ready to be baptized, please sign up below, sign-up in the lobby, or call the office at 570-588-5020.
Next Service: To be announced.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
-Galatians 3:26-27 NKJV
Ready to become a member of FIC?
New Members Class
You can sign-up by clicking the Membership button below. Once completed, someone from our membership committee will contact you with information about FIC.
Classes are held via Google Meet.
Next Class: To be announced.
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
-1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV
We enjoy giving back to the community.
Food Pantry
We enjoy giving back to our community, and our food pantry is one of those many ways. This is open to the entire community, so please share this information and invite someone you know.
The food pantry team is always seeking volunteers to help unload the truck, pack bags, load vehicles, and clean up.
If you would like to volunteer, please call 570-588-5020 or sign-up below.
Next Pantry Date: Friday, January 17th | 1pm-4pm
Bible Training
Word of Faith Bible Institute
The Word of Faith Bible Institute meets every Saturday at 10:30am via Google Meet.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Ascend Faith Walk
Youth ages 18 to 35 come together to discuss God, current issues and events, and participate in activities that assist in building and strengthening their relationship with God.
Meets: Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the Month at 7:00pm
Marriage Enrichment
This ministry supports growth in martial relationships, and covers the design of marriage from the Bible.
Meets: Every 4th Sunday of the Month following service
Singles Ministry
This ministry supports, encourages, and equips christian single men and women to live Godly and fulfilling lives as they take on the personal, professional, and social challenges/pressures of being "single" ultimately becoming strong disciples for Kingdom building.
Meets: Every 2nd Sunday of the Month following service
Tuesday Noon Day Prayer
Meets every Tuesday at 12pm
(240) 591-0215
CODE: 135795